Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Everyone knows that I am a huge Celine Dion fan. Maybe someday I'll get to go to a concert...maybe someday... :-)
Jars of Clay is probably my favorate Christian group. I like Casting Crowns but they've never been one of my favorites. I was recently introduced to one of their Christmas songs. My twin's family visited LifeSong Church,, where my friend Sheldon attends. They went to see "Trees", LifeSong's Christmas program. In the program was one of Casting Crown's songs, I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. This is the most beautiful song I have ever heard and wanted to share it with everyone. There is also a small interview with CC will make you appreciate the meaning a little more.



I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Our Christmas Season 2008

What a wonderful Christmas! It felt like it lasted a long time. Most things you are excited about seem to pass by with a blink of an eye, but this Christmas Season didn't....and I liked it.

We spent December 15th with my mother's side of the family. My cousin and her husband, Stephanie and Chuck, hosted the party. We had the best time. It is always good to get together with family that you do not get to see very often. We ate, gifted, reminisced, laughed, etc.

We spent December 20th and 21st with Will's family in Cornelius, NC. We had a great time there too. Again, good food, good family, good times. We missed Cade as he was in TN. We drove on down to Chester to see his aunts, uncles and cousins. I enjoyed our visit. They are such nice people!

My immediate family gets together for Christmas Adam (Dec. 23rd). All the kids got footy PJ's from Mammie and Papa (along with tons of other things). I think this was the most popular gift of the night. Fun was had by all. Charli was a little out of it since she had the biggest allergy attack of the year.

On Christmas Eve, I took the girls outside to sprinkle Reindeer food all over the yard. They loved it!! We went back to my parent's for Christmas Eve evening to spend with my dad's side of the family. Another good night of food, family, and fun.

Christmas day was great! The girls woke up and came to our room. We asked Caroline if she wanted to get into bed with us and her response? "Well, what about Santa?" So, down the stairs we went to watch two VERY excited little girls ooh and aah over their doll house, blonde barbie, helicopter, airplane, and "spider man panties". The Kodak moment was when they looked at the table where "Santa" had left some cookie crumbs and milk. They just stood there and stared at the food. You could see those wheels turning...their thoughts? I am actually standing where Santa stood!!!

My parents visited Christmas morning to see what Santa brought and had coffee with us.

Will's dad and sister's family came over for Christmas dinner. Our girls played and played. Those are four rowdie girls...especially when presents are involved!! hahaha

The day after Christmas, my Aunt Cheryl visited a little while. The "stomach bug" hit Caroline hard, so she was sick for two days... uugghh. She bounced right back though.

It was hard sending them back to day care Monday. I got sad putting away this year's Christmas clothes. I knew that next year, my babies would be bigger and I wouldn't be able to see them in these outfits again... Kind of a bitter sweet feeling.

I've talked a lot about gifts, Santa, food, etc. These things are great, but it doesn't mean anything without Christ being in it. On Christmas Adam, my immediate family each had a turn to state what they were thankful for this season. We all stated family. I am so thankful for family but I am thankful that God sent the best gift ever, his Son, to save my family....and yours too.

**Pictures Courtesy of Miguel Hodge. (I do not have mine downloaded yet)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A visit with Santa

Will and I took the girls to see the Lights of Hope yesterday. While there, we had a visit with Santa. We were a little unsure how they would react as this was their very first encounter with this bearded creature. Caroline was really excited. She asked for a Doll House and a baby doll with blond hair. She was really inquisitive about Santa's beard and needed to know how he ate his food with all of that in the way.

Charli was a little more nervous. She did sit in Santa's lap long enough for a snapshot. She asked for Spider man Panties and a helicopter. She's my Tom Boy!! It was a fun trip and yes... the lights were beautiful...four trips around the park.